artists are 8hoof

Paul Mercurio (he/him) is a queer polyamorous inclusive Heathen who has been reading Tarot and runes for over 25 years. He has carved rune stones, his graphic art has been hung in a museum, and he has re-designed many miles of roadways.

Paul has served as The Troth's NYC Area Steward since 2015 and is part of the North River Kindred in Brooklyn. As a devotee of both Tyr and Zisa, he is deeply concerned about fairness, integrity, community building and disassembling systems of injustice.

Artist and illustrator Jesseca Trainham (she/her) has been creating sacred imagery for Heathens since 2005. An autistic introvert, she grapples with finding meaningful ways to contribute to Heathenry and to society; Art is proving the most suitable outlet for this impulse. She prioritizes deepening communication and growth through empathy and self-honesty.